IIoT Based Intelligent Road Traffic Controlling System

Vehicle travel across the world is increasing, especially in larger urban areas. It is a serious problem in traffic congestions in many major cities around the world and in these cities, it has become a nightmare for travel.

There is a goal of customizing traffic flow vehicles in a junction. As the number of roads increases steadily, and the resources provided by the current infrastructures are limited, intelligent control of traffic in the future will become a very important issue. Therefore, to better accommodation of this increasing demand, traffic control algorithms need to be simulated and optimized.

We propose a system that can control the traffic while keeping track of the number of vehicles on each lane around the junction. Advantages of our solution.

  • Saves time by cutting out the unnecessary time periods allocated for lanesthat do not have vehicles waiting
  • The cost and complexity of implementation is less
  • Data monitoring tools are provided
  • Data can be used for surveying purposes
  • Opportunity to experiment and analyze the performance of different trafficcontrolling algorithms


Team Members

  • Pubudu Premathilaka
  • Suneth Samarasinghe
  • Wishma Herath


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